Current production
"Cinderella" - A pantomime (April)
"The Wyrd Sisters" (June-July)
"The Prompt" (One Act Play Festival)
+ "Three Little Plays"... A rerun of three plays from the One Act Play Festival
- To be 2 Week after the Festival
"Beyond a Joke" (November)
Treasure Island (April)
And Then There Where None (June-July)
"The Parable of the Potters" (One Act Play Festival)
Furtive Fortunes of Fickle Fate(November/December)
Harvey (April)
Snow White (May)
Are You Being Served (November/December)
A Tomb With a View (December)(Matinees)
Tempo's 3 Little Plays (September)
A Murder is Announced (April/May)(Matinees)
Southern Cross Theatre Festival, One Act Plays (8 June)
"What's in a Name"